I love Shirley J Universal Sauce. It's the #1 product in the Shirley J line. It's a great replacement for any cream based dishes and soups. I've been wanting to try it out converting my easy hamburger stroganoff. I finally made it. We all loved it. Not to mention is was super easy. The hamburger was browned and the sauce made, right as the rice was finished. The whole dinner was made in under 30 minutes. That's my kind of quick meal. The family agreed!
Hamburger Stroganoff--Shirley J Style
1 pound hamburger, browned
1 tsp. beef bouillon
3/4 tsp. Shirley J onion seasoning
4 cups water
1 cup Shirley J Universal sauce
1/2 cup sour cream
In large pan mix together water and Universal sauce mix. Bring to a slow boil. Add beef bouillon, onion seasoning and hamburger. Simmer on low for 10 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Stir in sour cream right before serving.
Serve over noodles or rice.

I gotta give that one a go! Easy-peasy! (yes that's right...I just said easy-peasy. what's become of me?)
I want to try it too!!
My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!
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